Miag-ao, Iloilo!
We almost did not make it to Miag-ao. Thinking that it would take us to Iloilo the shortest time, we immediately boarded the first bus that greeted us upon our exit at the Jetty in Aklan after leaving Boracay. How wrong we were :( The trip took forever :( But I guess it's not the bus really. IT IS a long trip from Malay(?), Aklan to Iloilo. And then it took us a while to check in at the hotel too. Our supposed to be reservation turned out to be "unreserved" at all. By the time we were able to enter our room, our spirits have already sagged. It's almost four in the afternoon. We did not have a decent lunch - just some Piya-ya I bought intendedly for "pasalubong."
I kept looking at my watch while we were settling in our room. I was thinking of the "sunlight" left. I assumed the trip to Miag-ao would take a while and pretty soon the sun would be setting. I was worried there might not be enough light left by the time we get to the church to be able to take any decent shots :( I was feeling a bit down-hearted at the thought. I had an inkling that Kuya Arnel would prefer to see the malls in the city than travel again another half-hour to Miag-ao. I knew he was tired from the trip and dying to have a decent meal. I am too. But the thought of passing up Miag-ao when we are already very close to it is more unthinkable to me that anything else. I've been planning to go there ever since I knew we would be traveling to Aklan and Iloilo.
I am never one to be known to impose myself on anyone (well, except by my immediate family and close cousins hehe) but I mustered my courage and urged Kuya Arnel that we go to Miag-ao and check out the malls later. I got a lukewarm response hehe But I did not let that discouraged me. I offered to pay for the taxi that would take us to where we could take our ride to Miag-ao. I called up Luchie to get my information straight were this is concerned. And miracles of miracles, off we go! Much to my heart's delight! :D
We rode a taxi to St. Paul where the vans bound for Miag-ao can be found. When we got there, there were just two passengers there which means, we would have to wait awhile for passengers to fill the entire van before we'll go. For every second that passed, I was also dying little by little inside. Then I noticed some jeepneys passing by with "Miag-ao" written on their sides. And they are mostly full. Thinking fast, Te Jean, Kuya Arnel and I got out of the van and hurriedly gestured to a jeep that was just about to go. Then the ironies of all ironies -- Kuya Arnel who did not want to go in the first place had to stand for some time during the trip since there were no longer seats available hehe He laughed in his usual "sarcastic" way when he found out that he would have to stand. I felt both ashamed and responsible for the discomfort he was feeling. I just smiled sheepishly at him and told him someone is bound to be unboarding soon. But it took a while before he was able to sit. I knew we were all hungry already. Luckily, I had some vegetarian squid strips snack I usually have with me when I'm on a trip. We shared that between the three of us.
The trip took a while. Almost an hour. I kept looking outside the whole time we were travelling. I was looking out for the light. It is almost sundown and just about to turn dark. I had a sinking feeling in my heart. I consoled myself that what's more important is in being able to see the church first hand than taking its picture. Still, another part of me is quick to add that it would certainly be a lot nicer if I could also take some pictures.
Then, there it was - Miag-ao Church. There was hardly any light left when we got to the church thus it was not a surprise when the pictures turned out grainy. But nonetheless, the church was definitely a must-see. Its facade is not as dramatic as the churches in Cebu and Bohol are but that does not make it less magestic.

The chruch's facade. Really, really nice. Notice the intricate details.

The facade upclose. The details upclose.

Te Jean and I in front of the church's bell tower

At another angle

After being able to take a few pictures outside, we got ready to leave and head back to the city. It was getting real dark anyway to take any more pictures. But we were truly blessed. The caretaker of the church probably guessed we were "tourists." It's difficult not to, considering our insistence to take pictures of the church's facade despite the fading light. He approached us and offered to take us inside the church. It was already officially close for the night. But he guessed that we had to travel far just to get to the church and took pity on us. He then took us inside, passing by the church's side entrance. And lo and behold - there it was the grand "retablo" of the church. It was definitely awesome.

The Grand Altar inside the church.

The whole altar is cast in gold. Most of it, in 24-karat "pure" gold. Amazing huh? Some trivia: The Church's patron saint is Santo Tomas de Villanueva. The church was built between 1787 and 1797. It is one of only four (Augustinian-built) churches in the country to make it to the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage List.