The Greatest Adventure of a Lifetime =)

An adventure of another sort alright.

The trail

The Destination? Nah, just one of the giveaways =)

Peak for that day Now this was the destination that day =)Nice altar huh? Lucky, Fr. Lord's a mountaineer and a friend thus the option to hold the wedding at St. Francis was made open to us.

One of WAMOC Weds. O, guys, you look cute naman pala in a formal wear sans the hiking shoes, backpacks and mountaineering gears! =) Thanks for sharing again this adventure with us guys. Esp. to you Zette, for coming all the way from Cebu. Miss you =)

Hey, family and friends, please view my other blog for some more pictures. Will be posting most of the pix at my reflection blog. Have yet to find the time though :) Hopefully, maisingit ko on top of my work obligations! :)