Apsara Dancers, Fish Massage and Buffet Galore

First things first: late lunch to make up
for missed breakfast.
It was mid-afternoon when we finally settled in our hotel. We had a sumptuous lunch to make up for the missed breakfast.  Since we had quite an early start and very little sleep, we also opted to catch up on sleep right after.  So as not to totally waste the day, Ate thought it a good idea to book ourselves for an Apsara show that night.  It was a good decision, considering the ticket comes with buffet dinner.  During my solo travel to Siem Reap in 2008, it was one of the things I have foregone. The tickets were a lot costly at that time.  And, I did not know it comes with dinner.  

At Koulen Restaurant's entrance.
This was where the show was.
We arranged for a tuktuk  to take us to the venue of the show.  It took us a while to decide on what clothes to wear.  We were not sure if we ought to make an effort.  Definitely, we did not want to be under-dressed or over-dressed for that matter.  We settled with something safe, neither "formalish" or totally informal at all.  And we were glad.  There were those who did dress up but we quite blended well with the majority.  

Food was great.  There were a lot of choices.  There was a noodle station, a salad station, pasta station and of course the dessert station.  There were Khmer food choices as well.  Since that pasta incident in my 2008 trip to Cambodia, I grew quite wary with anything that has sauce in it.  But there were plenty to choose from, even for a vegetarian like me.  

At the venue with the stage at the background
We were half-way through our food when the show started.  There are no words to describe the talent displayed by the dancers. The steps are gentle and fluid...very graceful.

The dances presented give one a glimpse of how life was in ancient Cambodia. Indeed, they used to be a mighty kingdom as evidenced by the temples they've built, Angkor Wat and Bayon being the grandest. I take that back though.  The other temples were also grand in their own, unique way. It's just that both Angkor and Bayon are bigger and peculiar in a positive sort of way. We got a funny surprise when towards the end the dancers presented something very similar to our own "Tinikling!" Imagine that.  The music was lively as well.  

Zyn and Merci
Mama and Ate Tata
At the end of the show they invited audiences to go up the stage and have pictures taken with them.  There was a momentary lull.    Everyone seems reluctant or shy to come up the stage. An exuberant Oriental guy went up the stage and had his picture taken. Soon enough, a number followed suit. I had to urge Mama to do the same because I could tell she likes to but is somewhat unsure about it. I was glad when she finally did and appeared quite pleased afterwards.

We had a hard time getting a tuktuk so we walked a bit.  The restaurant was located along Siem Reap downtown's main street. A lot of shops and resto's line the street at both sides.  There were a lot of tourists also enjoying the night out and so the walk was quite pleasant and not scary at all.

Merci getting a fish massage
After a while we came to a series of fish tanks with a sign that reads, "Fish Massage." It comes with a drink too. Ate got intrigued with the idea and so she tried it out for herself.  She squealed the moment she placed her feet in the tank. She told us it was quite ticklish.  We waited for her and after awhile I took leave to use the bathroom. I was directed to go inside the adjacent shop. It turned out to be a massage and spa shop. 

Since Ate still had some minutes to kill, we decided to get some foot and hands massage ourselves. And we were not disappointed.  We were directed to some low lounge chairs. Once settled, the soothing strokes started. It was pure heaven. 

The massage eased the tiredness we felt from the long overland travel that morning.  When Ate finished with her "fish attack" massage, she took one look at our sleepy, satisfied faces and opted to get a massage herself. By the time we all finished, we were quite ready to seek our beds and moved on to dreamland. We hailed the first tuktuk we saw, rode to our hotel and did just that. We had a full day scheduled the next day.  We were to embark on another temple run.  This time, Lara Croft-cum-ancient-ruins- Khmer Kingdom style! :)  


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